Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Summer CSA

I love to cook. My husband likes to joke (only sort of joke) that he got rounder when he got a wife.

I love food. Food is nom. Food is love. I love to cook tasty food for people I love.

I love local, organic, healthy, tasty food. I like the way it looks, the way it smells, the way it feels, the earthy feeling of washing fresh greens and mushrooms. I love the sensual nature of food, both preparation and eating.

Yeah, I'm a geeky cooking chick.

I was inspired to start this blog because of a particularly lovely CSA program we joined this summer. CSA = Community Supported Agriculture. We get a lovely box of different food items once a week, all grown locally, mostly organically. The content of each box varies, but it's mostly veggies. Our first box (last week) also had cheese, and I get a dozen eggs each week as well. The items we get are so beautiful, as I was cooking last week and washing things today, I started taking pictures, but I have nothing to do with these pictures, since I'm not a big believer in posting food pictures on Facebook.

Even this geek has her limits.

So since I used to blog regularly, and kind of miss it, I thought I'd start this one to share my culinary adventures. I live in Western Pennsylvania, so my produce will reflect what we have in season here in PA.

Like I was saying, last week's CSA box (Week 1) contained Swiss chard, spinach, garlic scapes, Ivory Lace cheese, Tropicana lettuce head, popcorn, green onion bunch, and bok choy. The lettuce was beautiful...

My family loves stir fry. I decided to go ahead and use that bok choy in a stir fry.

Here's the freshly washed bok choy...

Lovely, isn't it?

And here's the stir fry, before addition of chicken and rice...

I did not take a final picture of the stir fry, since I wasn't planning to publish a picture anywhere.

Today my sprogs (err... kids) and I picked up our next box, which included more Swiss chard, spinach, garlic scapes, Firehead lettuce, 2 garlic bulbs, fresh oregano, crimini mushrooms, and fresh, local strawberries.

Mmmm... mushrooms...

Tonight for dinner we had grilled dory, a big green salad and grilled mushrooms with onions...
 Oops, my mushrooms are sideways.

And here was dinner...

Yum! The sprogs weren't nearly as thrilled as I was.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, no wonder the sprogs weren't thrilled they were eating "dory" from Finding Nemo! Mom
